Feliz Navidad 2021 – por Esteban
Felices fiestas amigos y compañeros de la pesca. Un abrazo enorme desde este espacio digital enamorado de la pesca.
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Felices fiestas amigos y compañeros de la pesca. Un abrazo enorme desde este espacio digital enamorado de la pesca.
Doce años ya del blog, y aun asi en Stand By………… durante 5-6 buff mucho tiempo Feliz año a todos, y a ver si vuelve la inspiracion. Nos vemos por…
Feliz navidad, amigos, otro año mas empantanado en la pesca pero bueno llegaran momentos mejores.
My two week drought is over. I found bait along with fish in multiple spots today along the oceanfront. In three spots, I found fish breaking after small pods of…
I was fishing this lure off an egg float.This is one of many schoolies that fell for anNLBN lure. I was into a ton of fish last evening and I was fishing with…
Gulls are hitting the water right in front of me.They were after large peanut bunker. I walked out onto a deserted beach today. Not a fisherman in sight and not a…
My son Jon landed thisnear 40 inch striper fromthe kayak today. Goodsize fish are still in the mix. My son Ben holds a heftyschoolie that he cought recently at dark.It’s been a…
As I write this blog post, my son Ben is down the oceanfront and into a big blitz of stripers on this Thanksgiving morning. Man, this has been a…
I landed this near slot this evening just after dark. Fishing wasslow for the most part today with only 2 stripers and a fewhickory shad while doing a lot…